Landing Pages and Specific Marketing Themes: The Key to Success in B2B and Equity Crowdfunding Campaigns
Effective landing pages and specific marketing themes are crucial to successful business-to-business (B2B) and equity crowdfunding campaigns.
A landing page is a dedicated web page designed to persuade visitors to take specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase, while a marketing theme is a consistent message and brand identity that helps build trust in a company and engage potential investors.
World Digital Foundation understands the importance of utilizing landing pages and marketing themes for B2B and equity crowdfunding campaigns.
Steve Philp, World Digital Foundation Partnership Director explained: "Landing pages are the first impression that potential investors have of a company’s equity crowdfunding campaign. You need to make sure the investment landing page talks about the problem that the company raising capital solves, along with the size of the market, commercial traction, IP protection as well as the skills and backgrounds of the leadership team.”
“A short form video embedded into the landing page can also bring the investment to life. This can add more than 60% engagement and over 100% more investment if the equity crowdfunding landing page follows these principals, along with branding and an easy to navigate ‘invest now’ page.”
McGinley Orthopedics landing page
Another example of one of World Digital Foundation’s major landing page success stories has been enabling UK real estate resource, Property Market Index (PMI) to boost traffic to its property market reports. PMI spokesperson Amanda Collison said: “We've found that data, as well as email marketing, social media and paid advertising are incredible ways to get our easy to navigate new landing pages in front of the right people, to build our brand and engagement with our market.”
“The team at World Digital Foundation were able to craft the messaging along with the call to actions on our landing pages for our latest UK property market report and this delivered a thousand percent increase in our website traffic over our previous efforts.”
So, how can you create effective landing pages and develop specific marketing themes for your B2B and equity crowdfunding campaigns? Here are top tips from World Digital Foundation:
Understand the target audience: before you start creating your landing page and marketing theme, you must research and analyse your target audience. Then you know what motivates them and what pain points they have. This will help you craft a message that resonates with them.
Create a compelling landing page: your landing page should have a clear headline, sub-headline, value proposition, benefits, social proof, and calls-to-action. It should also be visually appealing and user-friendly.
"A well-designed landing page can make all the difference to converting tomorrow customers into today customers, as long as you use the right data to reach the relevant target audience," said World Digital Foundation’s Steve Philp.
Develop a specific marketing theme: your marketing theme should be consistent across all marketing channels, including:
“We've found that data, as well as email marketing, social media and paid advertising are incredible ways to get our easy to navigate new landing pages in front of the right people, to build our brand and engagement with our market.”
your landing page
email marketing
social media
paid advertising
It should convey your unique value proposition and build trust with potential investors, drive attendance at a webinar, encourage downloading a report, or another action.
Utilize social media and paid advertising: social media and paid advertising can be powerful tools for driving traffic to your landing page. Engaging ads, can not only attract the target audience to your campaign but make your pitch to potential investors stand out from others.
In conclusion, landing pages with specific marketing themes are essential to success in B2B marketing, and in particular, equity crowdfunding. By understanding your target audience, creating compelling landing pages, developing specific marketing themes, email marketing and data, as well as utilizing social media and paid advertising, you can drive traffic to your campaign and attract potential investors.
Expanding the number of landing pages associated with your brand that get indexed increases the likelihood of your content appearing in search engine results which enhances your SEO performance and generates more leads. "Investing and AB testing your landing page creatives will help to ensure that you future-proof the success of any campaign.” said World Digital Foundation’s Steve Philp.