Social Media Marketing Common Mistakes

When it comes to social media, many businesses can be unsure on the rules and techniques you should be following to make sure that your business's social presence is achieving the best results. Here are some of the most common mistakes you should be avoiding around social media marketing.

Posting for the sake of it

If you are posting content every day because you feel like you need to post, you are probably rushing the production of your content and posts to get it out on time, meaning the quality of your posts is going to be lower than it could be.

Quality, not quantity. It may seem simple to achieve, yet many businesses struggle to focus on high quality content and instead waste hours trying to constantly put a large quantity of content out on social media. This way, your audience will engage more with your content, and your engagement across social media is more likely to be rising rather than declining.

Ignoring comments

Comments are arguably the most important form of engagement for any brand. It’s so effective in helping to build personalized relationships with engaged potential customers, and expressing the personality of your brand. Despite this, comments are very underused.

Not only are comments valuable, but if you do not engage with audience comments you will be harming your brand. Within the comments may be requests, questions, reviews and queries you need to be responding to.

Not using the data

Data on social media posts, campaigns, and content that you produce should be your most valuable asset when it comes to improving your social media presence. It can help you understand how to increase engagement, likes, audience size and conversions.

Not analysing data on your social media presence will only lead to your brand becoming stagnant on social media, use data to understand what you need to change and when you need to change it.

Avoiding strategies

It’s more than common for businesses to instantly start posting on social media with no prior planning, no direct goals and no strategy.

Just like any long term marketing activity or campaign you begin, you need to have a strategy. This way, you’ll be able to build the foundations of your brand on social media with an effective plan for you to follow.

Find out more information on how to improve your social media marketing for your business on our website.


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