Copywriting errors you need to avoid.

As content marketing becomes more and more popular, copywriting skills have never been more important. Here are the basic errors you need to avoid to make sure your copy is starting off on the right foot.

Too much sales language

Readers will be clicking on your article to either be informed or entertained, they don’t want a sales pitch. So many copywriters make their copy link constantly back to their product or service instead of actually providing value.

Give the reader what they want, whether it’s the information they wanted to receive or the entertainment value they were looking for when they clicked on your article. This way, you will become more of a reliable source for that audience member, who will then value your brand more, which will more likely lead to them becoming a customer.

No CTA’s

You could write an amazing piece of content that your audience loves, but if you do not direct customers or remind them what they can gain after reading your content, you will lose them.

Putting a CTA at the end of your content is crucial to maintaining more potential customers. Don’t forget to include them and to make them effective so that you turn more of your audience into customers.

Being too SEO heavy

SEO is great for boosting your search ranking across search engines, but don’t overuse it. Your content needs to make sense, give the target audience what they want and be relevant to your brand first.

If you over optimise your content, the content won’t make sense and therefore will not climb the search rankings, despite how heavily it’s been search engine optimised.

Not proofreading

This is the most important of them all, always remember to proofread your work. Reading copy with obvious spelling and grammar mistakes instantly devalues that content and the brand it’s produced by.

Use the tools your software provides to make sure your copy is up to the mark when it comes to spelling and grammar, it’s always a good idea to find someone else to proofread your work too.

Take a look at our website to find out how we can help you deliver the results you want through content marketing.


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